Why Choose PAK-IT®

Why Choose PAK-IT®?

There are many reasons why PAK-IT® may make sense for you. As a Dealer PAK-IT® offers a new and unique suite of cleaning products to offer your end user customers to differentiate yourselves from your competitors who are peddling the same me-too traditional RTU products or bulk free-poured concentrates. As an End User Customer PAK-IT® offers a safe, green, high performing and cost-effective alternative to commercial cleaning products in the market.

When you first see or try PAK-IT® you will either see the immediate value in it or you don’t. It either resonates with you or it doesn’t. Its either a light bulb moment for you or it isn't. Purchasing decisions are generally made quickly or not at all.

PAK-IT® technology:

  • Single-Serve, Pre-measured
  • Water-soluble, Dissolving
  • Liquid, Hyper-concentrates

You may have noticed that increasingly and to some extent even without our knowledge portion-control and responsible consumption is finding its way into our lives in various forms. Whether that’s in the single serve portions of fast food, or at the grocery store, or whether it’s the single sheet of paper towel in public bathrooms or the way you take you coffee or do your laundry. Portion Control is becoming a way of life and will continue to do so. The same is happening in cleaning products. But until now Portion Control in cleaning products has required complex wall-mounted dilution control systems with specialty plumbing and complex water-pressure metering requirements. Not anymore. PAK-IT offers portion control in a simple and safe pod application.

Now PAK-IT® isn’t for everyone, but it is very relevant for an increasing number of commercial and residential users.

Our technology has been widely adopted in many types of commercial settings, including but not limited to:

  • Multi location businesses: Retailers, C-Stores, Gas Stations, Franchises – who are looking to optimize their national buying power, standardize their product procurement and outcomes, without having to install capital equipment in scores, hundreds or sometimes thousands of locations.
  • Distant and remote businesses: where freight costs often are more than the actual purchase prices of the chemical and cleaning products they are using.
  • Transparent and accountable businesses: where inventory management is a key driver. You cannot manage what you cannot measure.
  • Limited space businesses: where weight and space constraints are important considerations such as in retail stores, commercial shipping and recreational marine
  • Highly mobile businesses: where daily work flow is fluid and requires cleaning product in many locations rather than in any one singular location such as Building Service Contractors.

Current Users of Ready to Use RTU cleaning products consider PAK-IT® for – Price Savings!

Current Users of Bulk Free-Poured Concentrates  consider PAK-IT® for Safety and Simplicity and then be surprised at the savings due to the lack of waste!

Current Users of Dilution Control Systems consider PAK-IT® for performance and headache free Portion-Control

A note from our Owner & CEO Richard Higgs

"PAK-IT® is a disruptive technology designed to deliver value to the end user. It breaks all the Janitorial MANUFACTURER norms particularly those surrounding the complex and incalculable dilution ratios making cost comparisons impossible and virtually ensuring waste and over consumption by the end-user. In this regard PAK-IT® demystifies, simplifies and clarifies. PAK-IT® then goes a step farther and flies in the face of typical Janitorial SUPPLY CHAIN norms where inventory turns are the main and celebrated KPI virtually tethering supplier profits to end-user waste and overconsumption . PAK-IT® drastically reduces turnover, waste and excess consumption."